Elandria is a stereotypical High Fantasy setting. It's filled with magic, monsters, political intrigue, empires and kingdoms, and a vast array of races. The world itself is a flat world with one massive primary continent. The continent is surrounded on all sides by the Endless Ocean, which is, in fact, not endless as it spills infinitely into the void at the edges of the world. The north is the hottest region of the world, while the south is the coldest... because of magic... don't ask too many questions because I don't have answers.
The number of races is expansive in an effort to provide a nearly endless level of diversity to future characters. If you have a race you would like to see, just let me know and I'm sure we can work it in. I've added some twists or adjustments here and there to the classic fantasy races, but overall, the goal with Elandria is not to try and overturn the Fantasy Genre, but rather to tap into that delight of the magical, while still rooting it in the traditions we all know and love.
The Verdant Expanse (West)
The Menalas Forest (East)
The Spine of the World (Central)
The Redspire Wasteland (North)
The Southlands (South)
The Endless Sea (Eastern Ocean)

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